NPYWC Youth Service supported 11 young people from Irruntju, Amata and Pukatja to attend and experience Adelaide University. For some, this was their first time in an aeroplane and a capital city.
The Youth Service acknowledges the value and potential of further education and employment pathways for remote Aboriginal youth and aims to make this an ongoing opportunity.
NPYWC’s Youth Program currently conducts a boarding school program targeting students aged 12- 16 to enrol, participate and complete education in boarding schools. The program provides education and information about secondary school options and support students practical travel needs as well as emotional support during their time at school.
In partnership with the University of Adelaide, the youth were able to see what a University is, what it is like to study there and what learning options you can undertake. The Wirltu Yarlu Aboriginal Education Unit at the University introduced the youth to the different faculties and presented lessons in science, physics, engineering and the arts, encouraging everyone to get involved.