Youth Service

More than half the population in the NPY Lands are 24 years or under. The Youth Service helps young people living in remote central Australia achieve their goals and thrive.

Case Management Support

We offer family-oriented case management support. Our work is done collaboratively with family, key community members, specialists and other NPY Women’s Council services to provide support, care and resources.

We take referrals from family, friends, service providers and from young people themselves.

Recreation and Diversion

We offer fun, safe, culturally relevant activities that support the development of young people and their communities. We also offer more targeted activities such as camps, bush trips, and young women and young men’s programs.

Education and Leadership

To help young people in the NPY region dream big and overcome challenges, we support them to access education, training, leadership programs and employment opportunities.

Our Boarding School program is in high demand and offers advice and practical assistance to young people and their families in accessing secondary education away from home. We support youth to connect with schools, assist in application processes and help equip young people with life skills they need to succeed in their new school environment.

Advocacy and Collaboration

We are a voice for young people in the NPY region on many issues including; youth justice, substance abuse prevention, youth development, mental health, service provision and education.

We work with government, communities and other service providers to support good change for young people.

Boarding School Brokerage Fund

We are offering up to $4,400 of financial support for students who are attending school away from home.

This support is for school start up items (uniforms, books, clothes, toiletries, computer) or travel not funded by Abstudy.

The fund is made available by the traditional owners of Uluru Kata Tjuta National Park to support their family members through boarding school from Mutitjulu, Amata, Pukatja, Kenmore Park, Docker River, Imanpa, Utju, Watarka communities.

Fill out the application form and return it to There is a 2 week turn around in processing applications.

If you have any questions, contact Roberta on

Donate to NPY Women's Council

All donations are tax-deductible