Ending violence in the community will occur when it is supported and championed by an individual and/or group who will act to lead the change. These are community advocates who are interspersed in the community itself. They are from the community and are positioned as leaders. There must be specific strategies aimed at building their capacity, confidence and skills to influence the hearts and minds of the community.’
Strengthening Community Capacity to End Violence Framework (2018)[1]:
The NPYWC Domestic & Family Violence Service (DFVS) Women’s Advisory Group has met throughout 2021 in communities across the NPY Lands. The group includes DFVS workers, Anangu women and DV practitioners working together to deepen their knowledge on DV issues such as trauma and safe ways to work with women experiencing DV. The group shares stories of strength and explore how communities are showing resistance to violence.
The group will work alongside the DFVS advising on strategies and the best ways to work with women experiencing DV. Their input will offer the best chance for developing effective responses and pathways.
We are all women here… getting stronger – WAG member