For thousands and thousands of years we have had our own systems and laws.
We want to have that Voice back. We want to be able to tell governments what is right for us.
We know what will work for us.
Why we say UWA (yes) to the Voice
For over four decades the NPY women’s Council has advocated loudly and proudly for Anangu. Our Directors have seen change in Governments, tried and failed policies and broken promises.
Now we have a once in a generation opportunity to say UWA for listening to Anangu and all First Nations peoples across Australia..
We need to have a strong voice to Government more than ever. When Anangu get to decide what is best for Anangu is when there are real and long-lasting improvements for communities in the NPY region. We have seen when this works.
Click Here to learn what a referendum means :
Decisions by Government are not improving the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. For many outcomes areas it is worsening. Something needs to change. We need to close the gap.