NPY Women’s Council Tjungu Aged & Disability Service is proud to be Highly Commended in the NT Disability Services & Inclusion Awards 2019 Excellence in Advocacy & Promotion of Human Rights for the Research Report “Walykumunu Nyinaratjaku” To Live a Good Life.
This research project was initiated by NPYWC and asked the question, ‘What makes a good life for Aboriginal people with a disability from the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Lands?
The most significant finding of this research is that Aṉangu and Yarnangu with a disability want to live in their communities, on the NPY lands, with family. This is more important to them than the quality of care they receive, or the availability of services. It is important despite the difficulties they encounter in accessing basic daily amenities including food, clothing and bedding, which remain a major priority for people living in community.
For those Aṉangu and Yarnangu with a disability who are living in community, a good life also means being included and participating in cultural, family and community activities such as arts and crafts, bush trips, bush medicine, music, television and movies, sport, socialising, spiritual life and shopping.
All interactions between Aṉangu and Yarnangu with disability, their carers, service providers and policy makers should be based on internationally recognised human rights and responsibilities. Regardless of geographic location, all people with disability should be able to obtain culturally appropriate support and the services they need to live a good life.