Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Women’s Council directors and staff congratulate our Chief Executive Officer Andrea Mason on being awarded the 2016 National Telstra Business Woman of the Year for Special Purpose and Social Enterprise, and the 2016 Australian Telstra Business Woman of the Year award!
The Telstra Business Women’s Awards are the longest running women’s awards program in Australia, championing women in diverse industries and creating opportunities for national connections and conversations.
Andrea, along with the other State and Territory finalists, gathered in Melbourne last night for a gala dinner and the announcement of the national award recipients.
NPY Women’s Council also congratulates the other winners of the evening: Jenny Paradiso from Suntrix in South Australia (Entrepreneur Award), Inspector Virginia Nelson from the Queensland Police Service (Public Sector and Academia Award), Jackie McArthur from Martin Brower in NSW (Corporate and Private Award), Rituparna Chakraborty from TeamLease in India (Business Woman in Asia Award) and Anna Ross from Kester Black in Victoria (Young Business Woman of the Year).
“I am excited at the opportunity these awards present for NPY Women’s Council” Said Ms Mason.
NPY Women’s Council is proud of the achievements of our CEO Andrea, and once again congratulates her and the other winners of the 2016 Telstra Business Woman of the Year Awards.
Read our media release.