Because of the recent change in travel restrictions in SA, the families of our boarding school students were unable to attend their graduation day. Hearing the sad news, their teachers at Djarragun College, chipped in for a stretch hummer and the students arrived at their senior formal in style!! Students from the NPYWC Youth Boarding School program showed great determination to graduate & flourish in 2020.
Evelyn Marshall & Nadia Lewis from Amata graduating from Djarragun College QLD
Evelyn Marshall and Nadia Lewis were among 12 students from the NPYWC Youth Service’s Boarding School program that worked through a series of challenges to make it through the 2020 school year. Evelyn and Nadia spent the whole of term 2 working from home in Amata.
Whilst 2020 has been a challenging year for many students, the NPYWC Boarding School Program has been supporting boarding school students keep up with studies in their home communities across the NPY lands by providing laptops, finding good working spaces and keeping students connected through WIFI data. (Laptops financed by Uluru Rent funds).
Nadia Lewis
As well as receiving her Certificate of Completion for year 12 at Djarragun College, Nadia received the Principal’s Distinguished Endeavour Achievement Award, acknowledging her achievement in winning the Australian Heart Foundation’s T-shirt Design Competition for NAIDOC week (below).
Nadia says she would like to either work in aged care, child care or possibly study at University.
Evelyn Marshall at graduation
Congratulations also to Keith Turner (2nd left) from Pukatja, graduating from Clontarf Aboriginal College in Perth
NPY Women’s Council Youth Service’s Boarding School program is supported by Traditional Owners of Uluru and Kata Tjuta Funding.