My decision to focus on school & how that led me to a job helping other young people outbush access education
In year 8 my family and I made a decision for me to move from Imanpa and stay with family members in Alice Springs to access education. It was hard but it was a good decision for me. A lot of my friends that stayed in Imanpa didn’t finish year 12, so I feel the extra support of larger schools in town really helped me.
When I finished year 12 I started the Iwara traineeship with NPYWC. Lulu took really helped me through the course. Lulu had completed the Iwara program the year before and was now helping new people learn about different work options and get some work experience and confidence.
When a position came up with the NPYWC in boarding school program I was really interested. I went through an application process and now I help other young people from Imanpa, Docker River, Pukatja, Mutitjulu and Amata interested in attending boarding school. I help their families learn about boarding school options across Australia and help them with forms and make sure they are ready and have things they need for school.
My job has allowed me to really grow; I have worked on a evaluation of the boarding school project and have been lucky enough to advocate for young people by attending WIPCE (World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education) in Adelaide and also meet with the Prime Minister on the current Alice Springs Youth issues.
School has helped to give me a really good opportunity in life and now I get to help other people access an education they would like, too.
Read more about Anangu youth and their dreams, hopes and hardships